Stand out as a professional coach

Achieve your ICF credential with ease & confidently market yourself to grow your coaching business

You’ve completed your coach training & now need 10 hours of mentor coaching so you can gain your coaching credential. Simple, right?

So why does completing this requirement feel so difficult?

Navigating the ICF Certification process is overwhelming & tedious.

You’ve heard that coaching hours & mentor coaching are required, plus you’re expected to record some client sessions –

How do you avoid being self-conscious while recording yourself coaching?

How do you get your clients’ permission to record without feeling embarrassed?

You don’t want your coaching style to be judged and you’re anxious about being assessed.

The whole process can cause you to feel frustrated – worried – and overwhelmed…

When you have someone guiding you through this vital piece of your certification in a simple, straightforward way, you’ll feel:

🗹 Proud & empowered that you’ve completed your coach certification
🗹 Confident that you can market yourself as a professional coach
🗹 Build a successful coaching business more easily because you’ve shaped your personal coaching style
🗹 Excited to work with your dream clients – including companies providing coaching services
🗹 Making back the money you spent on your coaching certification

Here’s HOW TO get on the pathway to complete your ICF certification with simplicity & ease:

1. Schedule your free 30-minute Discovery Call

We discuss your questions & frustrations to decide your best path forward - {BONUS - you also gain 0.5 CCUs for having this conversation!)

3. Together we create a personalized strategy to complete your ICF certification

I can help you:

Navigate the ICF Certification process in a simple, clear way

Feel secure & confident about recording your client sessions & meeting all necessary ICF requirements

Find your personal coaching style & apply the coach core competencies in a way that flows for you

Once you have achieved your ACC or PCC, imagine how proud and excited you’ll feel.

I know this one hurdle has been holding you back because the whole process has felt cumbersome for so long…

No more avoiding taking this last step in your professional development because you feel overwhelmed!

No more feeling alone – Let me help guide to easily to move through this piece of your ICF certification in a way that feels fun – while you continue to grow & develop as a coach!

The only constant I’ve learned from coaching for 20+ years is that learning never ends!

With no shadow of doubt when asked which words define me best I say: globetrotter, hands-on, passionate, committed & curious.

I am all about people, connections, learning, culture, my daughter Kendra, family, pets and gardening. Travelling is also a big love in my life as it keeps my world open to opportunities and learning.

Read more about Edmee

Book your discovery call now

What you’ll get during this 45 minute complimentary session:

  • Clarity on your challenges
  • Perspective on what you are currently doing and where it is taking you
  • An action plan for the next steps necessary for you to move forward toward your goals
  • 0.5 CCE you can use towards your certification renewal

“Edmée is dedicated, culture-savvy, passionate, open-minded, professional and extremely knowledgeable. I particularly appreciated her unique quality of relating culture to coaching. This program teaches you more than the ICF core competencies. It helps you to improve your coaching skills and achieve excellence in coaching.”

Magaly Toussaint

“Edmée was my mentor coach during my certification process. I experienced her as very knowledgeable, open, honest, and direct in her feedback during the group sessions and individual coaching. She confronts where necessary and can pinpoint exactly where things are going well and where to make improvements. I highly recommend her if you need a professional mentor coach to coach you through the certification journey!”

Susan Theunissen

“Edmée has strong coaching experience and insight into the application of the new ICF competencies. She has helped me develop and sharpen my coaching skills through insightful and interactive sessions. I have become more aware of my strengths and pitfalls with coaching in a pleasant interactive series of sessions. Her challenging style, curiosity and wit make this a delightful and safe learning experience as a coach.

Henk Antvelink

“I enjoyed the live coaching sessions and recordings. Seeing oneself in action reveals a lot of opportunities for improvement within your coaching style and more profound exploration within the coaching session.”

Innocent Obwino